Język angielski - Ignaczak

Gerund & infinitive


czasownik + to + bezokolicznik czasownik + ing
I want to go to the cinema She likes swimming
She hopes to win the match We enjoy learning english



  1. I don't mind getting up early.
  2. Karen spends a lot of time chatting online.
  3. I refuse to wear this skirt. It's too short!
  4. I always agree to help my brother at home.
  5. They hope to meet String after the concert.
  6. I can't stand shopping. It's so boring!
  7. Peters wants to be like Steve Jobs.
  8. Sue has decided to lend me her new dress.
  9. Does Angela enjoy working as a volunteer?


  1. A lot of people can't affort to buy new clothes every season.
  2. In the winter, I always miss swimming in the sea.
  3. Most of my friends prefer wear jeans to sweatpants.
  4. I'm decided to buy a blue suit.
  5. Rob would like to spend more time with his friends.
  6. Amy works for a charity - she loves to help people in need.
  7. We have managed to finish our project on time.
  8. Peter likes working in a team.

Zadanie domowe - zadania 3, 4, 5 strona 117

Edytorzy: Squar#6216